Tarot introductory workshop


TAROT – The Fool’s Journey

A one-day introductory workshop with a choice of two days.

31st August OR 1st September 2013
10am – 5pm

Special low price of £40.

3, Stamford Buildings, Burgh Lane, Firle, East Sussex BN 8 6NE
[email protected]. 01273 858178/07986 105865


During this one day workshop we will be exploring the journey of The Fool as she/he travels through the Major Arcana (Trump cards) of the Tarot, meeting the characters and archetypes which form the basis of all card readings.

As we journey through life we all meet challenges and trials which can help us to grow and learn if we choose to take them on. If we are fearful and back away we find that we are presented with the same challenges time and again. We are left feeling unfulfilled, blinkered and powerless.

The archetypical Hero’s Journey is the subject of many legends, fairy stories, books and films. Think of The Hobbit, The Odyssey, Wizard of Oz, Star Wars, the myths and legends of every ancient culture. These tales can inspire us, giving us strength to take a leap of faith in our own life.

The Fool’s Journey through the Major Arcana of the Tarot is one such tale. Walking beside the Fool we become her/his companion, not an onlooker, therefore dispelling fear and misunderstandings which may have been indoctrinated either culturally, religiously or through our own misguided perception.

This workshop is aimed at everyone who holds a fascination with Tarot, and who wishes to deepen their connection with this most evocative of psychological tools.

We will be looking briefly at the history of Tarot, what it actually is, introducing the cards, walking the Fool’s Journey and learning how to string the cards together in order to form a story by expanding our imagination and intuition.

We will also be giving readings to each other. I am fully aware that some people may feel intimidated by this for various reasons. I must stress that ANYONE can read the cards. The only restrictions are those we impose on ourselves. So the more we are able to expand our intuition and imagination the more the cards will speak to us. There will be a guided visualisation to help achieve this.

I am keeping numbers to a maximum of eight per workshop. I need an even number, so you may be invited to change dates if possible.

If you have a pack of Tarot cards that you love, and want to work with feel free to bring them along. Also please bring a packed lunch and water, and wear comfortable clothing.

I look forward to sharing this journey with you.














I wish to book ————places on the one-day workshop :
Tarot – The Fool’s Journey. 31st August OR 1st July 2013 (Please specify)


DATE OF WORKSHOP:———————————-








TELEPHONE NUMBER:——————————————————————–



AMOUNT PAID:—————————– DATE:—————————————-


Please send cheques for £40 per person to:

Susan Hall

3, Stamford Buildings, Burgh Lane, Firle, East Sussex BN8 6NE

Internet banking preferred. Please ring or e-mail me for details.
01273 858178/07986 105865.
[email protected]

No refunds will be given. Places allotted on a first come, first served basis

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