Solar Eclipse, Vernal Equinox and New Moon

Tomorrow, 20th March 2015 we will be part of a very rare event. It is the Spring Equinox, when day and night are equal. This is a time of balance, harmony, equilibrium.

We also have a solar eclipse, which, if the skies are clear we in the UK will be able to witness from 8-25 until 10-40am. Even if we cannot see it due to cloud the atmosphere will be tangible. Just release the constant brain chatter and open your third eye in the centre of your forehead.

It is also a New Moon – a time for new beginnings, for releasing old, outmoded thought processes and for growth.

I will be in my stone circle preparing to send distant healing to my Japanese students at
9-00am. I will be calling on the energies of Silver Birch for new beginnings, Willow for Moon connection, awakening intuition and perceptive qualities, Elder for the Eclipse – representing the Wyrd Sisters, or Triple Goddess, The Sacred Grove for community and shared wisdom.

If you would like me to add your name to the list please let me know.


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