New Life

New life is awakening everywhere at the moment.
The Blackthorn is glorious, my Ramsons or wild garlic is just about ready to join the young nettles in delicious soups. I have the first bluebells side by side with mini hyacinths, and shy little daisies are shooting up all over the stone circle.

The most wonderful magic of all is that my dear Apple tree is sprouting little fresh leaves, after we really thought she had breathed her last. A couple of roots are still lodged in the Earth, so the life force flows despite all the odds.

What solace and inspiration she has given me with this determination and strength. I have been seriously challenged recently, but my faith in the Wheel of Life has been consistent throughout. My dear little Apple – Quert in Ogham – has given me an unmistakable message of the power of belief and prayer.

In times of great darkness I remember asking to be shown three miracles every day. These miracles always appeared, whether in the shape of a Red Admiral butterfly in February, or a beloved friend offering comforting words. This has now developed into my giving thanks upon waking for ALL the blessings I will receive that day, knowing without a doubt that even the saddest and most challenging times there are miracles and wonderful gifts just waiting for our awareness.

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