
I have a day off today, so have more time to write my blog.

I do get very tired in the evenings. The work is full-on with 5 private one-one sessions a day, plus the 3 weekend courses, which although the information and format is structured, and I have been using it for a long time, of course when you are sharing what you have learned with others it is always a personal interaction.

The students are lovely, as always, and we have a lot of fun, especially on the courses. I have level II this weekend, then next weekend on retreat in the country. Some students are actually coming back for the same level again, just because of the location. I have planned something extra for them, which I will tell you about after we have done it!

I want to share some more photos of my visit to Kamakura. The iPad will only allow me to upload a few at a time, perhaps because of my location, I am not sure, but the atmosphere needs capturing. I am still feeling the effects now of visiting such a sacred spot.

The immense Buddha, Amida Nyorai, is known as Kamakura Daibutsu. Construction of him began in 1252, and lasted approximately 10 years. You can see the joins of the different parts in the copper, and the designer of the statue is unknown, although the names of some of the craftsmen are recorded in the temple. The hall in which Daibutsu once stood was destroyed by strong winds in 1334, but he was untouched. His base allows him to move, in case of earthquakes. His height is 13.4 metres. His weight I will have to find out.

Some of the beautiful Juniper trees that you see in the photos are 750 years old. Near these trees was a gorgeous smelling Jasmine, so I said a little blessing for Mia’s kittens, Jasmine and Juniper. Little Jazzi has been through a tough time lately, but her courage shone through, dear little thing, and Juniper has one eye which will never see properly, although it doesn’t stop her getting into mischief. Rescued Persian babies, with a sad start in life.

Please, anyone who is thinking of getting a new pet, consider a rescue animal. There are too many of them, and also too many unethical breeders of pedigree animals.

The first temple we visited has a hundred sculptures of Kannon, goddess of compassion, who the Chinese call Qan Yin. Such serene images in a temple designed for Zen meditation. There are so many beautiful stories attached to this temple and garden, I will have to tell you in person. One though, is the legend of a herd of white deer which appeared from a cave to listen to the founder of the temple at the opening ceremony. I have included a picture of the cave.







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One Response to Kamakura

  1. Lorna says:

    I remember well from my childhood in Hong Kong, seeing statues – some huge – to Kwan Yin all over the place ….. interestingly I am finding myself very interested in and drawn to her of late and managed to find a couple of books dedicated to her whilst in Glastonbury over Beltane 🙂 xx

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