I am astounded to realise that it will be December in a week’s time!
I never think about Christmas until December, as I want to honour the beautiful, changeable Autumn months for as long as possible.
That dreadful manic phase before December 25th is anathema to me, and yet out of a sense of duty I go along with it – racking my brain for ideas for presents, joining in the claustrophobic mass of shoppers, organising cat (familiar)-sitters for family visits, Christmas parties spent talking to strangers who aren’t interested in anything I have to say (counterbalanced, I have to admit with my Scorpio-like natural glee, by the look on their faces when I tell them what I do for a living!), spending money on ridiculous things which I know will be discarded without any thought, too much drinking and eating etc. etc.
What I would LOVE to do instead is to gather TRULY beloved ones around me in a simple act of honouring the gifts we give each other on a daily basis; gifts such as love, support, acceptance, respect; sharing a little food made with love; fireside stories of lives lived, struggles overcome, experiences shared; not only listening, but hearing; empathising; encouraging; honouring.
The rest of Nature, between Samhainn around November 1st until the Solstice around December 21st quietens down, becoming soft and silent while leaves gently fall from the trees, sap rises slowly, animals hibernate and plants withdraw into their roots. What a relief it would be, wouldn’t it, if we did the same?
Who is up for that? I am not suggesting instead of, but as well as the normal chaos.
Much love