Images tagged "penshurst-walk-march-2012"

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  1. Mr WordPress says:

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  2. Have got your blog address F….. how do I know when you are blogging, do I look you up?


  3. Rachel Godart-Brown says:

    Hi dear one
    I hope you arrived safely and that all is well. Brenda gave me your blog details: I’m not too sure how this works but I’ll give it a try and see if you receive this message.
    Sending love and blessings
    Rache x

    • forfedha says:

      Hello, Dear Rachel!

      I received your comment today, Friday 19th.
      I have my first working day today. Munay-Ki rites! Hurrah!
      I will have more time this evening to post on blog. I plan to do a fuller correspondence from tomorrow.
      Love and Blessings

  4. Tracey (in France) says:

    Hi Sue,
    I didn’t know you were off to Japan! I’ve been drawn to it for years and have been thinking about visiting a lot during the year, how fascinating. How long will you be there for? I’ve taught lots of Japanese students over the years and have found that most of them have been very hesitant to discuss religion at all. One student said she would decide whether she was Christian or Buddhist later in her life, when she had to decide which kind of ceremony she would prefer for her funeral!! Several told me there was a great deal of trauma associated with religion, due to the war – the Emperor being the head of the Shinto religion, the soldiers were fighting directly for him as both head of the country and the religion and the Americans forced them to suppress Shinto after their defeat in that war, so there are lots of negative associations involved. It will be interesting to hear what you pick up from those you are seeing. Lots of luck and enjoyment, Tracey x

  5. Carol says:

    Hi Sue, Glad to hear you arrived safe. I look foward to reading all about it and of course see lots of photos.
    Your one very brave lady to go there all on your own, I take my hat off to you .
    Hope to hear from you soon .
    Love always to you my special friend XXXX

  6. emily ticehurst says:

    Hey there,
    was thinking about you yesturday and wondering how it’s going….you write really well on your blog, keep going it’s lovely hearing about it…reminds me of distant travelling days. It’s like a breath of fresh air! I forget in the everyday how travelling is so inspiring……literally opening your worlds and gaining a wider insight to others and yourself……can’t wait to hear more and see pics……all my love to you xxxem

  7. Hi Sue

    So glad all is going well for you! Your blog was very interesting indeed… I look forward to the photos of Tokyo…. would love to see some of the shrines and temples, your apartment etc.

    Take are dear Sue….. look forward to the next posting!

    Much love

    Mia xxx & JJ xx

  8. Sheila says:

    Glad you arrived safely, even though you had a delay.

  9. Lucinda says:

    Lovely to see your pictures and read the updates on your adventures Sue. It looks like a very magical adventure!
    Love Lucinda xxx

  10. Eleanor says:

    Hi Sue,

    The photos are beautiful, looks like a really magical place. Mat and I are both so happy for you. Hope you like this quote:
    “Magical places are always beautiful and deserve to be contemplated … Always stay on the bridge between the invisible and the visible. ” ~ Paulo Coelho
    Lots of Love

    El, Mat & Ellie xxx

    • forfedha says:

      Hi El,

      Good to hear from you.

      I love the quote, and am going to use it on the website, if that is ok.

      I would love to catch up with you all when I get back, and hear how things are going with you.

      Lots of love to all

  11. Ratbag says:

    Hello darling, just caught up on your blog. It all sounds wonderful and am LOVING the photos. Have you got any more to upload? I am so pleased it’s going so well darling one.

    We had some snow in Sussex this weekend; not enough to settle thankfully but it’s still so pretty. Missing you loads ~ Harry Potter awaits us on your return. Love you loads xxx

    • forfedha says:

      Hello, Ratbag,

      So great to hear from you, and what a relief that you are going to wait for me to see the bespectacled wizard. I was sad to think you would be unfaithful and see it with someone else! Let’s go AS SOON as I return.

      So glad you like the blog, and yes, more photos are on their way. The students are really receptive, generous and welcoming. I love them.

      Got a photo shoot this morning. Tra-la. I am ready for my close-up, Mr. De Mille….

      Love you loads and loads

  12. Rachel Godart-Brown says:

    Dearest Sue
    It sounds as if you are having a wonderful time ; the students must be soaking up your knowledge and wonderful energy like sponges! Fab photos too!.
    I think that a collective of ravens are referred too as a “storytelling” – need to double check, perhaps someone else can confirm?
    I had coffee with Brenda today which was lovely although you were much missed.
    Sending you blessings and much love dear one.
    Rache x

    • forfedha says:

      Hello Dear Rache,

      Susan, who used to do my garden, says a collective noun for Raven is “An unkindness.” I like “A storytelling” better!

      Oh, I wish I had been there to have coffee with my dear friends. Perhaps we can do it when I get back.

      I hope things are well with you, Dear One.

  13. pol says:

    Dearest Sue
    What an absolute inspiration and delight to read your very beautiful and powerful words.
    Loving you getting told off on the plane and at the tea ceremony!
    Can’t wait to see and hear more of your healing work from your blog
    with all my love
    Pol xxx

    • forfedha says:

      Thank you, Dearest Pol.
      So lovely to hear from you. I will try not to get into any more trouble whilst I am here! I must also remember to bring some slip-on shoes next time. This constant taking shoes on and off is no good for the old creaky bones!!

      I bet Tilton looks beautiful in the snow


  14. Rachel Godart-Brown says:

    Hi Dear One
    Wonderful photos of the little girls in costume- so beautiful, as are you !. I’ve left a couple of messages for you on this blog but can’t see them ? ( one hoping you had a safe journey, and the other talking about a “storytelling ” of Ravens.

    So glad all is going so well- sending you love & blessings.

    Rache x
    PS Snowing here, & flipping freezing

  15. Ratbag says:

    They look beautiful, and so do you! x

  16. Wow haven’t checked the blog for a bit… beautiful Sue, what amazing photos and great words too…. loving it! Can’t wait to see all the pics on your return!

    Have sent news via email…

    Oh and a collection of ravens is called an ‘unkindness’…. thats a bit rough!

    Take care Forfedha…

    Much love

    Mia xxx & JJxx

  17. Eleanor says:


    The photo’s are just wonderful and full of energy. Sorry to hear you are feeling a little homesick – the snow has now turned to mucky slush and does not look half as appealing anymore ๐Ÿ™‚ Have you been wearing your Kimono – would love to see a photo of you in it…! Take care now.


    El, Mat & Ellie x

  18. I remember on that crazy show I worked on that there was quite a bit of this thing going on…. They do love their animals but not sure the animals love the gear! xxx

    • forfedha says:

      The dogs seem happy enough, but I wouldn’t dare to try a communication as there would be no way of then communicating with the human!
      Apparently when it rains the baby-dogs wear raincoats with hoods!

  19. A beautiful statue to a beautiful ascended master! Love it Sue, she is beautiful!!! xxx

  20. You have some cracking photos Sue… gorgeous! Bet you are glad you have the camera now! It looks like you are having a wonderful time! Thank you for sharing so beautifully.

    I look forward to seeing you back in the UK soon….

    Sayonara Shin’ai naru tomo
    Mia and JJ xxx

  21. Wow… why are they going upwards Sue? x

    • forfedha says:

      I have no idea. I have never seen anything like it in my life.

      These trees are London plane, so we know them well in our London parks. There were other planes in this Japanese park, but this was the only area where the roots came up like this. It was cordoned off, thank goodness, but the Japanese are very respectful when it is obvious this is a special occurence. In England yobs would have broken them up and sawed them down.

      I will look it up when I have time.

      Off for my Youtube shoot this morning. Yeuch! Not me at all.


  22. pol says:

    wow beauuutiful. Looks just like you! x

  23. Rachel says:

    Thank-you dear one ย for sharing ย a photograph of the magical , inspirational and healing ย Yew-guardian to the door of rebirth. Much love R x

    • susan hall says:

      Not as ancient as the Yews in Kingley Vale, Dearest Rache, but the healing energy just as powerful

  24. Lorna says:

    I remember well from my childhood in Hong Kong, seeing statues – some huge – to Kwan Yin all over the place ….. interestingly I am finding myself very interested in and drawn toย her of late and managed to find a couple of books dedicated to her whilst in Glastonbury over Beltane ๐Ÿ™‚ xx

  25. Emilyticehurst says:

    turned out fine, can see clearly! x

  26. Angie Asplin says:

    Some lovely photos Wong-San. Glad the sun has joined you ๐Ÿ™‚ xx

  27. Angie Asplin says:

    What a fab group! All look delighted. Am also proud of YOU x

  28. Angie says:

    How beautiful. Must have given a lovely sense of peace xx

  29. Taisha says:

    I’m sorry but I won’t be able to come along this time ๐Ÿ™ please keep me posted of other events


  30. Lucinda says:

    Lovely post about the most wonderful of trees. ๐Ÿ™‚ Glad you got to enjoy it and are home safe. x

    • susan hall says:

      Lucinda, I can’t tell you how I felt on returning to find her in full bloom everywhere. I know you, of all people will resonate with that. I hope you and Rowan are loving your walks.

  31. jo wightman says:

    I would be interested in the tarot workshop. Shan Rose sent me the details

  32. Lorna says:

    I am doing it too, and we will be fine ….as Mia said – Empowered ! Xx

  33. Lorna says:

    Ha ha …which ones now ?!
    I almost succumbed the other day to a pack that I really like the look of ….in fact ….errrr, Amazon … I come ๐Ÿ˜‰ xx

    • susan hall says:

      The Enchanted Tarot! They are designed to look like Victorian collage work – lace, beads, leaves etc! Which ones were you looking at?

  34. Lucinda says:

    Beautiful! x

  35. medusawink says:

    I can relate – I’m up to 13 decks this year. oh well it it is the 13th year of the new millennium – why not celebrate by diving the future?

  36. Ian Kelly says:

    Lovely Xx